Brain Mapping

Child’s innate qualities. 3+ Years.

Career Choices Made Easy

Career planning and Decision support that is accurate and consistent.


A goal without plan is only a dream.

HR Corporate Assessment Solution

Evaluate, Engagement, Empower.

Don’t Settle For Less

Optimize Your Career & Education Choices With Us.

Choosing a career is essentially the most critical decision of our lives….or at least it should be. Most people, on the other hand, still make decisions primarily on their gut impulses and the advice of others. That’s where we can help! assists the career decision maker in arriving at the best decision and making an informed conclusion.

Career norms are rapidly altering in our highly networked and globalised world, as occupations become more global and boundary-less.

Charge Forward

Career Counseling: 

Brainpoweredu offers comprehensive counseling services tailored to individuals from the age of 13 and beyond. We specialize in guiding and supporting students, graduates, undergraduates, postgraduates, and professionals seeking career transitions.

Our expert counselors provide personalized guidance, assisting clients in exploring their interests, identifying their strengths, and making well-informed decisions about their educational and career journeys.

The Advantage

Suitable For Students & Working Professionals.

Process that has been thoroughly examined.

Complete foundation for career counselling.

Accurate career exploration recommendations.

Our Counsellors make things very easy for you – Administrating Test and Counselling sessions.

Determine the optimal career path and skill requirements.

Multiple test and assessments for various age groups.


From Our Founders

Scale New Career Heights.

Each individual is a unique blend of undiscovered passions, abilities, and motivations. Because we believe that human potential cannot be measured by a single statistic, we evaluate individuals on numerous dimensions. To that end, we created a comprehensive and predictive suite of tests and assessments.