Frequently Asked Questions

Provided below are some common queries we encounter. Feel free to ask us anything. We are more than happy to address your questions & concerns.



How much time is required for generation of report ?

Brain Checker MIT Report is generated within 3 working days after receiving of your scanned finger prints.

Who can give MIT?

MIT Test can be given by any age group. However, ideally students between 3-13 Years should undergo the test.

How is MIT different from IQ ( CIQT) and which is better?

Multiple Intelligence Test talks about inborn or natural intelligences, whereas IQ (CIQT) about acquired and current talents. If the child is young that is between 3-13, MIT is more suitable whereas IQ (CIQT) is more suitable when the child is between 13-20 years of age. Hence both are for different set of students and are hence incomparable.

Will MIT help in deciding career / Stream?

To some extent YES. However, one cannot fully rely on MIT on career decision. MIT analyzes child’s inborn strength & weakness and not student’s current caliber.  While working on one’s career, we must take current caliber as base & not in born qualities. One’s interest, skill changes with knowledge & observation.

Who evaluates MIT Report?

All reports are evaluated only by PhD’s or M.Phil’s in Psychology and Counselled by certified counsellors.

Who will do the counselling?

Will done by us. We are Certified Career Counselor’s who have been trained in Career Counseling and will counsel the report.

Can I give MIT online?

No, we have authorized Testing Centre’s and we would prefer you give the test in a controlled atmosphere for best results.

What if I don’t agree with the results?

At Brain Checker we have a QC Process, wherein all reports generated are re-evaluated by Experts to avoid errors or mistakes. Even so if you feel that you disagree with the reports output, we suggest you talk to our experts to understand why the report says what it says. They shall provide you with a clearer picture on the output of the report.

How can finger prints identify one’s inborn talents?

Research on Dermatoglyphics (Study of Finger-prints) has been undertaken by the scientific world ever since 1926. The research has proved what the Indian Veda’s had concurred that Finger prints are a manifestation of the Brain’s potential. MIT has been an output of over 25 years of research and is a scientifically valid test.

Will the MIT Results differ if I take the test again?

No, the results are based on one’s fingerprints and since the fingerprints are unique so is the result.

Should I do both MIT and IQ (CIQT) for my child?

Yes till student is in 12th grade these both the assessments help in assessing their career as it is combination of in born strength / weaknesses and Current calibre.

What is the cost of MIT test?

Brain Checker MIT Test has a MRP of Rs. 5000/- its retail price may vary from city to city. To know more about the pricing please contact us, we shall be happy to assist you.

How much time is required for counselling?

Standard Time required for completing 1 counseling session (report counseling) is 60 minutes to 90 minutes.

IQ Test (CIQT) FAQ’s

Why should I choose Brain checker MIT?

Psychological Testing is a onetime activity. Parents today are very careful about choices they make about their child’s education. Even while selecting a coaching centre, we visit 4-5 good coaching centre’s before finalizing our preferred coaching centre. Brain Checker is the only company in India having over 750+ Centers in India, 40+ PhD Experts and has several years of experience in Counseling. We are best equipped to evaluate your child’s potential scientifically.  We also keep in touch with parents post MIT counselling to help them & their child to work on child’s weaknesses through suggested exercises.

What is CIQT in short?

CIQT stands for Caliber Intelligence Quotient Test. It is India’s First Indianised IQ Test designed by 4 International PhD Experts & Brain Checker. It’s a Copyright Test designed for students aged 13 years or more and offers a 100% accurate 15 Page report with a choice amongst 13 Languages after a 60 minutes exhaustive test.

Who can appear for IQ Test (CIQT)?

Its basically designed for students from CBSE, ICSE, IB or State Board students who are studying between 7th Standard to12th Standard.

Is IQ test (CIQT) recognised?

CIQT is designed by 4 International Experts working closely with Brain Checker. It’s been appreciated by the likes of Jawaharlal Nehru University and Ryan International School to name a few. It also has a qualitative test certification from CCPAI, India’s Leading Career Counselors Association

As a parent, what can I expect from this report?

If your child is 13 years or more in age, this report is a must for you. Over the years we groom our children to do well in academics, we put them in best schools and provide them with best coaching facilities. However, the criticality culminates when we see our child approaching his or her standard 10th. This Report is a solution to the criticality. You stand to understand from independent experts your child’s overall development and inclination towards suitable career choices, evaluation of his/her faculties and brain score for proper career planning.

Is Career Planning really useful?

Let’s illustrate, if we are to reach Delhi from Mumbai using the fastest way possible, the first thing we would do is book a flight, if we were to tell you that you do not have enough money to buy flight tickets, you can then book a train.

Career Planning is exactly like a travel plan, we need a destination and a budget. Without either we are lost completely. By the time we find our suitable career without proper guidance its always too late.

CIQT gives you the destination & helps you plan your budget according to your destination via accurate counseling.

Why Brain Checker IQ Test (CIQT) and not some other IQ Test?

IQ Test (CIQT) has accreditation from 4 International PhD Experts including Indian Universities. All IQ Tests used today are designed predominantly for western kids and our education system is largely different from western worlds. Eg: Our Maths Syllabus for Standard 8th is equivalent to their syllabus of Standard 10th or the fact that an average child in India can speak 2 languages whereas an kid in US or UK can speak only 1 language. Hence tests designed for western students are not suitable for Indian requirements & educational structure.

What is the cost of the IQ test (CIQT) Test?

IQ test (CIQT) is priced at Rs.2000/- inclusive of the test & the report counseling. To know more about the pricing please contact us, we shall be happy to assist you.

Can I give IQ test (CIQT) Online?

Yes, it can be given online on cloud version.

Can IQ (CIQT) Scores change overtime?

IQ Scores do change if you keep practicing. However, it’s not recommended to do so. IQ Tests were designed to map your brain score in the ideal condition, with training you can score more but this is not a Entrance Exam and we need your real score without special efforts.

Who prepares the CIQT Report?

CIQT Reports are personally prepared by senior psychologist and results are ratified and double checked before the final report is prepared.

Who will do the counseling?

Certified Career Counselor’s who have been trained in Career Counseling will counsel the report.

How much time is required for counselling?

Standard Time required for completing 1 counselling session (report counselling) is 45 minutes to 60 minutes.

Brain Stamina FAQ’s

How much time does it take to give the IQ test (CIQT) Test?

IQ test (CIQT) is spread over 10 sections totalling 60 minutes of test time.

What is the science behind Brain Stamina?

The Human Brain has infinite potential to learn and grow. The learning simply never stops. In kids, the speed of learning is 10x than that of an adult. Hence kids are quick learners. Back in 1950, renowned Psychologist Dr. J P Guilford, conducted a series of tests and concluded that for kids to be smart, intelligent and agile, their Brains can be trained to perform or outperform, for this he identified 150 Cognitive Skills which were the foundation blocks resulting in consolidation and growth of the human brain. Brain Stamina works on 45 of those 150 Skills which can be taught to your child virtually without a Cognitive Experts physical intervention.

Who is Brain Stamina for?

Brain Stamina is for every kid aged 7 to 18. In short for every child between 2nd to 12th Standard in the Indian Schooling System.

Is Brain Stamina for Special Kids?

No, Brain Stamina is for both. For Special Kids it helps the kids focus on activities at hand and makes learning fun but for regular kids it does even more. With Brain Stamina, kids have witnessed almost 10% jump in their academic growth by the end of the program.

What is the cost of the Brain Stamina Program?

Brain Stamina is priced at Rs.10000/-. Valid for 2 years from the date of activation.

My Kids are already scoring well; do I really need this?

It’s good to know that your kids are doing well, but do you know that almost 70% of the knowledge that they are acquiring would be redundant in the real world. In the year 2000, jobs like Digital Marketer, Social Media Manager, Elderly Care Specialist were unheard off, but in 2017, these were the Top-3 Emerging Opportunities in the Employment Sector in the USA. What this simply means is you cannot rely simply on academic scores but you rather need to prepare your child for the challenges that he may face in the next 10-15 or 20 years. For that you need to sharpen his brains which is not possible with the current education system in India.

What is the guarantee?

Each child is different. In Psychology, the advancements in Cognitive Science and its implementation for educational development have been well noted. Our research in India at 2 different schools for over 400 students has helped us arrive at an average improvement of around 5% to 10% in academic score over the next 1-2 years of undergoing this program. However, there cannot be any performance guarantees provided.

Can you give me some examples of Cognitive Skills?

Sure, Lets take for example “Directionality”; it refers to the skill which involves fully developed understanding of directions, geography and visualisation. Another example could be “Long Term Memory & Working Memory”; it refers to the effective memory recall performed by the Brain to execute the current task at hand, for eg: What is Archimedes Principle?

All of us have learnt this in school, to track that information with speed is long term memory to use it to solve a problem at hand and hold onto the information till required is working memory.

Does Brain Stamina require internet?

Yes it does. Brain Stamina needs a valid internet connection at all times. It cannot work offline.

Can I buy Brain Stamina Online?

Yes, you need to contact us.

What if my child does not complete the program in the validity period?

Brain Stamina has a validity of 2 years from the date of activation. The Program gets completed in 6 to 9 months if done rigorously by the child, however in order to account for boredom, exams or any other unforeseen reasons. We have already allocated an additional extra year for the child to complete the program.

Is there a schedule which the child has to adhere to while completing the Brain Stamina Program?

Not at all, the best part about Brain Stamina is the child can do it at his or her own pace. However, we do recommend at least 45 minutes of activity thrice a week for getting desired results.

What if we forget the username or password?

Nothing to worry. Simply contact your Brain Checker Expert or directly reach us at our National Helpline and we shall assist you with your username and password with 48 working hours.

What happens if we change the system during the year?

We suggest that you keep a copy of the Brain Stamina Software stored somewhere safe so that in such an eventuality or even in case of system formatting, you can simply install Brain Stamina again and continue from where you left off.

I have two kids can both use the same username and password?

No, you cannot and should not do that either. Some kids are weak in Memory while some are weak in visual attention. By sharing the same username and password, neither of the kid’s Brain would be challenged and both would do only those activities that they easily can and pass on the system to the other when the difficult tasks arrive, by doing so neither of them would be able to augment their cognitive skills.

Psychometric Assessment FAQs

Do Cognitive Skills stay developed forever after Brain Stamina?

Brain Stamina is the 1st step for your child towards holistic Brain Development. Keeping the Brain performing at optimum level requires regular exercise of the Brain. Several advanced activities and programs are recommended by the Brain Checker Expert at the end of the Brain Stamina Program. As parents we need to up the level of competence of our child by providing them advanced exposure for augmented Brain Activity.

What is the full form of BCPA?

BCPA stands for Brain Checker Psychometric Assessment, it is also known as CIQT-Advanced or Caliber Intelligence Quotient Test Advanced or simply Psychometric Test.

Why is it also called CIQT Advanced?

BCPA has been designed on CIQT’s Framework. The Psychometric Test includes CIQTs all testing parameters and some additional parameters to make it a textbook Psychometric Test.

What additional tests are conducted over and above the Psychometric Test?

The BCPA has 12 Sections. Last 2 Sections are designed to evaluate the child’s Personality Profile, Occupational Codes as per Dr. John Holland and Career Preference Assessment.

What is the cost of the Psychometric Test?

Brain Checker Psychometric Test is priced at Rs.4000/- inclusive of the test & the report counseling.

Who is this test suitable for?

For students aged 13 and above, BCPA is highly recommended.

Can BCPA be given by school as well as college students?

Yes, BCPA has immense relevance for undergraduate students along with school kids. In addition to this, post graduate and professionals can take this test which will help them in building successful career.

Should BCPA be given again after a few years?

No, BCPA, CIQT, MIT or any other assessment is designed for one-time testing and the results are more accurate when done for the 1st time without any prejudice in the mind of the test taker. Re-taking these tests would be incorrect as the test taker would already know the questions and hence is likely to give better answers, which in turn would impact the scores and the careers recommended.

How are the reports prepared?

BCPA, CIQT or MIT reports are prepared by our team of psychologists using manual skills and system-based tools which work in tandem to produce, ON-TIME ACCURATE results. We have maintained an overall accuracy of about 95% in our assessments and counselling’s.

Are BCPA results accurate?

Absolutely Yes. BCPA is a system based offline assessment program which requires the child to answer several questions sectionally over 90 minutes. Each section is designed to assess and evaluate a specific aspect of the child’s intelligence, collectively the 12 sections paint a remarkably accurate picture of the child’s overall strengths and career suitability.

IQ Test (CIQT) Vs BCPA, what should a child choose?

Ideally, CIQT works well in the rural markets wherein the parents have limited financial affordability and would like to get the counselling done for their child at a cost which is lighter on their pockets, BCPA is an advanced product which includes all the benefits of CIQT coupled with Personality Evaluation and Occupational Evaluation which makes it even more accurate while helping a child make an informed career choice.


Is BCPA Approved by any Council, Body or Government?

In India, the Government hasn’t created a Psychology Governing Council which can ratify or approve any tests, until such time that such a Council is established permission cannot be availed for any tests that are conducted in the market. In order to strengthen our accuracy and reliability, at Brain Checker we conduct a large sample size testing, execute a research project, publish a research article in international journals with higher impact factor rankings and re-test the accuracy to ensure that product consistency is achieved.

Brain Checker’s BCPA has been successfully implemented even in Government Schools in Haryana & Maharashtra with remarkable accuracy, apart from several leading CBSE & ICSE Schools preferring it.

Is H PACT online assessment?

Yes, its cloud based online assessment duration 90 mins.

Is this assessment available for Individuals?

Yes, it is available for individuals plus the personal counselling session.

On what basis it evaluates employee?

It evaluates employee for Psychological Personality, Occupational Preference, Managerial Style, Work Satisfaction, Pay Satisfaction, Co-Worker Satisfaction, Promotion Prospects Evaluation, Senior Junior Bond Evaluation and Occupational Stress.

Will this assessment helpful for HR of any company?

Yes, it will help in identifying Future Leaders, Stressed Employees, Flight Risk Employees, Concerning Departments, Wrong Hires, Misfits, Risk Takers, Negotiators & Deal Makers, Customized Retention Strategy, Framework for Learning & Development and Training Gaps.

What is the H PACT implementation Process?

The 3 Step Process of Implementing H-PACT for your organization: –

TIEUP (Ready for implementation) – ASSIGN (Ask the team to attempt the test) – COUNSEL (Get report & counselling from trained counsellors)

What type of companies H – PACT is suitable?

Brain checker H – PACT is state of the art corporate assessment tool for SMEs and MSMEs.

Should I get it done?

If you are an employer or a HR Manager with more than 5 Employees in your organisation, H-PACT will make remarkable impact to your overall planning.

How will it help corporate as whole?

It helps corporate by providing Company Wise Consolidated Report, Access to Cloud Analytics, Cross Functional Statistics, Graphs & Data for Decision Making, Counselling by Experts and Individual Soft Copy Reports.

Is this only available in English?

No, it available in English, Hindi and regional language.

Get In Touch!

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